Minimalist interface is becoming a popular trend because of its simplicity, ease of use and comfort for users. In the XenForo 2 forum, you can create a minimalist interface by customizing design elements to be clean, light, and focused on the main content. This guide will help you create a minimalist look for your forum.

Instructions for Creating a Minimalist Interface
Table of Contents

    1. Choose Default and Custom Theme

    XenForo 2 comes with a default interface that has a pretty clean design and is easy to customize. The first step to creating a minimalist theme is to start from the default theme and tweak it to a minimalist style.

    1. Access the XenForo admin console.
    2. Go to Appearance > Styles.
    3. Click Style Properties of default interface.
    4. Create a copy of the interface to preserve the original, then edit on this copy.

    2. Eliminate Excess Elements

    To achieve minimalism, you should remove unnecessary or rarely used elements on the page, such as:

    • Remove unnecessary frames, borders, and shadow effects.
    • Remove unimportant icons or buttons.
    • Minimize the use of multiple colors, keeping only basic colors.
    • Reduce the size of large icons or images.

    You can edit the CSS in the section Style Properties to hide or customize these elements. For example:

    /* Loại bỏ đổ bóng */.box {
        box-shadow: none;
    /* Giảm kích thước biểu tượng */.icon {
        width: 24px;
        height: 24px;

    3. Use Simple and Easy to Read Fonts

    Minimalist interfaces often use fonts that are simple, easy to read, and not too fussy. Google Fonts is a great resource for choosing free and minimalist fonts. You can use fonts like Roboto, Open Sansor Lato.

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    To change the font, you need to edit the section Typography in Style Properties:

    body {
        font-family: 'Roboto', sans-serif;

    This will help the interface look lighter and easier on the eyes.

    4. Use Minimalist Colors

    Minimalist colors are usually neutral colors like white, gray, and black. Keep the look clean by using one or two main tones, and don’t use too many strong contrasting colors.

    You can edit the color palette in Style Properties by changing the background color and text color. For example:

    /* Màu nền trắng */html {
        background-color: #ffffff;
    /* Màu chữ đen */body {
        color: #333333;

    This will help create a serene, uncluttered feeling and focus on the main content.

    5. Optimize White Space

    White space is an important element in minimalist design. It gives other elements space to “breathe”, making the website more airy and accessible. You can increase the space between elements by adding margin and padding to your CSS:

    /* Tăng khoảng cách giữa các phần tử */.container {
        padding: 20px;
    .element {
        margin-bottom: 20px;

    Optimizing white space helps users easily focus on the main content without being distracted by other factors.

    6. Tweak the Navigation Bar (Navbar)

    The navigation bar is an important element, but you can make it more minimalist by reducing the number of menu items or using icons instead of text. For example, you can use a hamburger icon as a replacement for a mega menu.

    You can also edit the CSS to change the size and color of the navigation bar:

    /* Tối giản thanh điều hướng */.navbar {
        background-color: #f8f8f8;
        border-bottom: none;
    .navbar a {
        color: #333333;
        padding: 10px;

    This helps create a clean feel and makes the navigation bar more intuitive.

    See also  How to Change Forum Colors

    Neat design

    Creating a minimalist interface for XenForo 2 helps your forum become more modern, neat and user-friendly. By eliminating redundant elements, using simple fonts, optimizing white space, and tweaking small details, you can create a clean, sophisticated yet functional interface. .

    Hopefully this guide will help you easily customize and design a minimalist interface for XenForo 2. Wishing you success in building and growing your forum!

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